Interactive stand-alone POI Installation
When it comes to highly technical topics, a well designed visual presentation can make quite the difference in terms of understandability. This is especially true when the presentation serves as a stand-alone POI installation, which customers can engage with on their own. Without any staff around to give explanations, the presentation has to transport the entirety of information by itself – and entertain at the same time. Thus, when TRANSNEFT, the managing company of Russia’s fossil fuel pipeline network, requested a multi-touch info terminal to set up on their exhibition booths, we knew that it would take our finest design skills.
We created a multi-touch application that can run on any HD touch-screen and is therefore flexible enough for TRANSNEFT to take to any venue around the world. It visualizes the fossil fuel pipeline network in Russia and neighboring countries, and shows where new pipelines are planned or already under construction. Two different viewing modes serve for better understanding: one shows the pipeline network on a natural 3D map, the other utilizes a more stylized design and highlights in-depth information. Users have the opportunity to zoom into five individual areas, which are especially important development sites for TRANSNEFT. To make sure that the presentation is suited for global use, one can switch between English and Russian text display.
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最后编辑时间为: Jan 11, 2020 at 03:13 pm